
The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku

What is happiness? Many people go through life searching for happiness but often get lost on the journey. We may be fixated on the past or anxious for the future and forget to enjoy the present. Eddie Jaku is a Holocaust survivor who learnt that despite entering the darkest of places, happiness can always be…

The Secret Network of Nature by Peter Wohlleben

“The natural world is a web of intricate connections, many of which go unnoticed by humans”.  Humans have created a complex society resulting in constant distraction, and consequently the intricacies of the natural world are often overlooked. Peter Wohlleben is a forester in Germany who shares his knowledge of the interactions within ecology.  His book…

The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli

Most of us know time as a infinite variable, represented in seconds, minutes, hours, days and more. In his book, “The Order of Time”, Carlo Rovelli explores time deeper than we know it, poetically describing our interpretation of time, and linking it to a philosophical perspective on life. His ideas and alternative perceptions of time…

Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

Have you ever stopped to think about how often you use your mobile phone? Are you addicted to it? Is it doing you more harm than good?  Despite the obvious benefits of digital technology, Cal Newport delves into how using it less can benefit our lives, in his book “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life…

The Mind-Gut Connection by Dr Emeran Mayer

Have you ever made a decision based off a gut feeling but never truly understood why you made that decision?  This is just one of the many examples that display the connection between our brain and gut. This connection is facilitated by the microbes in our gut and plays a role in our overall health. …

Homo Deus By Yuval Noah Harari

When looking back on history, only then we can reflect on humans’ actions.  Through events like wars and revolutions, to establishing world systems such as religion and science, we can make educated predictions on how the future could unfold.  Yuval Noah Harari does exactly that in his book “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow”,…

The Bottom Billion by Paul Collier

Poverty is a wicked problem faced by a large portion of the global population.  There are many organisations and individuals at all levels attempting to address poverty in one way or another.  Paul Collier is a professor in economics and has provided an academic analysis of poverty in his book, “The Bottom Billion: Why the…

Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” A quote by a man whose sheer determination and passion contributed to our modern understanding of the world. After reading Isaacson’s book “Einstein: His Life and Universe”, I am even more inspired by Einstein’s creativity and ability to think abstractly. This…

The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-time by Mark Haddon

Everyone leads different lives, and often our insecurities or personal issues are sheltered from the rest of the world. I thoroughly enjoyed reading “The curious incident of the dog in the middle of the night time” by Mark Haddon, as it provided a unique perspective of the world and the family struggles often hidden in…


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