
Lessons from 27 Books in 2021

As 2021 draws to an end, I am left reflecting on the year that passed. With Covid-19 still present, and life bringing increasing responsibility, this year presented extra challenges. Despite last year’s efforts of reading 35 books, this year’s 27 books still provided knowledge for thought into our ever-changing world. While many books enhanced my…

We Are What We Think

We are a culmination of our thoughts built from genetic factors and life experiences (See more by Robert Plomin).  There are many great thinkers who have pondered on the idea that we are what we think.  One of these people is James Allen, who explored the philosophical, psychological and spiritual take on our state of…

It’s All About Perspective

The Collins Dictionary defines perspective as “a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences”(1).  After pondering on my journey with perspective, I have realised the importance it plays on our creativity and ability to innovate.  My journey with perspective has been influenced by many events, but…

Do You Have An Itchy Brain?

After inspiration from a conversation, reading a book, or a brain wave, I often find myself in deep bouts of thought.  I am briefly obsessed with a particular topic, and have the desire to explore it in its entirety.  These ideas can range from wanting to understand how my fridge can regulate its temperature, to…

Are Self-Help Books Useless?

Do you feel inspired to conquer the world after reading a self-help book?  They often instil positivity, habits for change and value to one’s life.  But after delving into a number of self-help books of varying nature, I feel they have a diminishing effect with the more I read and become useless.  While this may sound controversial,…

5 Reasons I Read Books

From videos and podcasts, to webpages and short articles on the internet (like this one), there are countless mediums with potential to expand your mind.  While these mediums may provide useful information, they are often quick bursts of knowledge, or articulated in the moment as in videos or podcasts.  Conversely, most books have been reviewed,…

What Reading 11,000 Pages Taught Me in 2020

With the year coming to an end, I wanted to reflect on my reading journey in 2020.  With a growing desire to learn, and Covid lockdowns keeping me at home, I made a commitment to reading more.  On this journey I read a total of 35 books and over 11,000 pages (physical pages, not ebooks!). …

What Can We Learn from Amazon?

Many know that Amazon started as a small online book seller, but have you ever wondered what steps they took to become the colossal online store it is today?  Their tactics are questionable and aggressive, but have proven results. Through interviews and research, Brad Stone has documented Amazon’s journey and the tenacious personality of Jeff…

What Can We Learn From the Year 1000?

When listening to stories from your grandparents, you realise how much the world has developed in their lifetime.  Stepping even further back, have you wondered what it might be like to live in England in the year 1000 CE?  With English being a global language, and many of its customs engrained in modern Western culture, understanding where…

Are Oompa Loompas the Same in Spanish and English?

Whether a book is fiction or nonfiction, reading is more than the content, it is also about the experience.  After reading the famous book by Roald Dahl, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ in Spanish, or ‘Charlie y la Fabrica de Chocolate’, I realised that language is merely a method for depicting a concept.  It’s amazing…

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